Personal & Professional Learning
Remember when learning was cool?
Yeah, it's like that.
Who are you?
A heart-driven small business growing & thriving
A good human growing personally & professionally
Our clients
Business, professional, and life development
Our Purpose
We blend cognitive science, creative problem-solving, and strategic thinking with our years of training, teaching, and writing experience to guide...
Purposeful change
Strategic planning
'Real' action-taking
Idea discovery, connecting, building, and growing
Clarity. Confidence. Action.
How will you grow today?
Grow your people.
Grow your business.
Career Transition.
Discover your WHY.
Take on the world.
Choose your path
"Figure out you. The rest will start to make sense."
— Robin Le Roy-Kyle
How do I...?
Aspiring business owners. Inspired professionals. High school and college students. Clients. Workshop participants. Group members.
A trusted resource
We've been asked nearly every day for 30+ years. Our answers always begin with Why.
times asked
people who've asked
How do I?
How do I?
How do I?
You have great ideas.
Let's make them happen.
"Thanks for the time and teaching, Robin. I think it may change how I look at words."
— Diane T.
Mixed Media Workshop
"I think my online shop now represents me better as the artist I am today."
— Diane F.
Aiming for Remarkable
Etsy Course
"Too many drift through life without having a clear purpose or goal in mind. That is not you and I applaud you.."
— Jeff G.
"The January 2023 Vision Boarding workshop was life-changing! The number of things I included on my board that actually manifested is insane!"
— Leslie T.